The Ericaceae are a family of flowering plants, commonly known as the heath or heather family, found most commonly in acid and infertile growing conditions. Ericaceae. La familia de las Ericacea representa un importante grupo que reune cerca de 15especies distribuidas por todas las latitudes de Eurasia y Africa. 274. Ericaceae.
1. Caracteristicas. Porte: arbustos, pequenos arboles o lianas. Hojas: hojas alternas, opuestas o verticiladas, simples, persistentes o caducas. Ericaceae. ERICACEAE Juss.
Habito: usualmente subarbustos, arbustos o raramente pequenos arboles, follaje perene a raramente deciduo, frecuentemente. Ericaceae. The family Ericaceae is in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).
Statistics are at the bottom of the page.
CORE EUDICOTILEDONEAS- Asterideas-Ericales: Ericaceae. 49. .0. Ericaceae. .0.a. Caracteristicas. ? Porte: arbustos, pequenos arboles o lianas.
La familia Ericaceae consta de unos 1generos y unas 40especies distribuidos en las regiones templadas y en las montanas tropicales. En el Ecuador.
(Ericaceae) en Jalisco, Mexico. - RedALyC
Hallazgo de una nueva especie de Agarista (Ericaceae) en Jalisco, Mexico. Luz Maria Gonzalez V Acta Botanica Mexicana 198 (5). ERICACEAE ENDEMICAS DEL PERU biologia/biologiaNEW .htm. Rev. peru. biol. Numero especial 13(2): 285s - 293s.
The characteristics of the Heath family which includes about 30species. The Ericaceae are mostly shrubs comprising about 1genera and 500 species. The leaves are simple and alternate or sometimes opposite or whorled.
Ericaceae. Ericaceae, or the heath family, is the largest family in Ericales, containing more than a third of its genera (128) and species (about 000), with many.
The genera within this family are grouped together based on similar reproductive. Taxonomic study by James L. Luteyn and Paola Pedraza-Penalosa of this family with descriptions of about 5species. Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Family Ericaceae. Click on names to expand them, and on P for Order Ericales.
Family Ericaceae – Heath family. The Ericaceae is a relatively large family of flowering plants that include azaleas, blueberries, heathers, rhododendrons, and wintergreens. Most of the species.
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