Lepidium bonariense
Lepidium es un genero comunmente conocido como la hierba de la pimienta, esta Lepidium barnebyanum. Lepidium bidentatum. Lepidium bonariense. General. Classification. Related Links. Lepidium bonariense L. Show All Show Tabs Argentine pepperweed. General Information. Symbol: LEBO2. Group: Dicot.
Argentine peppercress (Lepidium bonariense) is regarded as an environmental weed in New South Wales and Queenslan and as a minor or potential. Lepidium bonariense es una especie originaria de Sudamerica, introducida en las islas. Se trata de una planta herbacea anual o perenne, glabrescente. Lepidium bonariense L. APNI*.
Description: Annual or biennial to cm high, finely hairy with weak or reflexed hairs. Basal leaves 3–cm long, 2–3- pinnatisect.
Pl.: 6(1753). Flora Vascular de Andalucia Occidental: Flora Iberica: Planta anual o perenne, herbacea, uni o pluricaule. ..
Plants Profile for Lepidium bonariense (Argentine pepperweed)
Overview of Lepidium Bonariense (Lepi) as a homeopathic remedy. The major glucosinolate in seeds of the South American crucifer Lepidium bonariense L. is shown to be the p-hydroxybenzylglucosinolate (glucosinalbate) ion.
Lepidium bonariense - Flora of Qatar
Photos of Qatari plant Lepidium bonariense. Rosette of green leaves of Argentine peppercress (Lepidium bonariense) near Dukhan Road. Western Qatar. SINTOMAS MENTALES O PATOGENESIA DE LEPIDIUM BONARIENSE.
Triste y discutidor. No puede pensar. - (+) Se imagina que el piso qe hunde bajo. Lepidium bonariense L. 1753. pronounced: lip-PID-ee-um bon-ar-ee-EN-see. ( Brassicaceae – the mustard family). common name: Argentine.
Lepidium bonariense. NOMBRE VULGAR Mastuerzo loco. DESCRIPCION Planta herbacea anual o perenne, glabrescente. Las hojas caulinares superiores. Lepidium Bonariense. Lepidium mastruco. N. O. Crucifer? or Brassicace.
Tincture and trituration of fresh leaves. Clinical.-Breasts, affections of. Cough. Head.
General. Affections of breast, heart, lancinating pains. With heart symptoms, numbness and. Jan 20This work has been released into the public domain by its author, Forest Kim Starr.
This applies worldwide. In some countries this may not be. Lepidium bonariense L. (S-Am.) – A rare and ephemeral alien but possibly under -recorded (poorly known).
Observed as a wool alien in the.
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