Avena barbata

Calflora: Avena barbata

Avena barbata, a monocot, is an annual or perennial herb that is not native to California. it was introduced from elsewhere and naturalized in the wild. Identificacion: planta anual de 30-1cm. Hojas de 3-mm de anchura, pelosas sobre todo en el margen del limbo, ligula de 2-mm. Prefoliacion enrollada. Avena barbata Pott. ex Link.

REINO: . Plantae. PHYLU Avena mora/ Espanol. Balango Espanol. SINONIMOS. Avena hirsutaSchrader. DESCRIPCION. Avena barbata (slender oat) is a species of wild oat that is native to Asia and Mediterranean Europe.

It was widely introduced to. Avena barbata is a species of wild oat known by the common name slender wild oat. It has edible seeds. It is a diploidized autotetraploid grass (2n=4x=28).

Las Canteras (La Laguna).

Tenerife. Avena barbata es una especie nativa posible en las islas. Se trata de una planta anual, que se diferencia dentro del. Avena barbata. HABIT Annual. culms solitary, or caespitose.

Culms erect, or geniculately ascending. 30–1cm long. Culm-nodes glabrous. Lateral branches. Avena barbata (slender wild oat) is a winter annual grass (family Poaceae) that grows in nearly every grassland area of the state.

It does well in sandy/poor soils.. Avena barbata Pott ex Link. Imagen en el campo. Nombre comun en catalan: Civada de capella. Cugula. Nombre comun en castellano: Avena loca. Ballueca. Naturalised Status: Alien to Western Australia Name Status: Current.

Browse to the list of specimens for Avena barbata Link Photo of Avena barbata Link. Avena barbata Link. Common name: Slender wild oat. Family: Poaceae (the grass family). Introduced invasive weed.

Click on links below to see: Close-up of. Slender wild oat (Avena barbata) is an annual grass dominant in many grassland ecosystems in Mediterranean climate. This species has been the subject of. Poaceae = Gramineae. Avena fatua L. Avena loca.

5. Fotos 1-© Heike Vibrans Inicio (Home) Datos de las fotos

October Photo. Plant Characteristics: Annual. culms slender, 3-dm. tall. blades flat, 3-mm. wide. panicle narrow to open, mostly rather few-fld. with rather. Avena fatua L. wild oat. Avena barbata Pott ex Link. slender oat. Wild and slender oats.

Family: Poaceae. Range: Wild oat is found throughout the western U.S..

Avena barbata Link: FloraBase: Flora of Western Australia

Avena barbata Pott ex Link Journ. Bot. (Schrader) 17(2): 3(1800). Sinonimos - Avena alba sensu Maire, Fl. Afr. Nord 2: 2(1953), non Vahl, Symb . Bot. Avena barbata is a ANNUAL. It is hardy to zone (UK) and is not frost tender.

It is in flower from Jun to July, and the seeds ripen from Aug to October.


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