Euphorbia peplus
Euphorbia peplus (petty spurge, radium wee cancer wee or milkweed) is a species of Euphorbia, native to most of Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia . Euphorbia peplus L. o menos dicotomica. flores reducidas en ciatio ( inflorescencias especiales del genero Euphorbia, que parecen una flor). Identificacion: planta anual de 5-cm, glabra. Hojas obovadas, elipticas o suborbiculares, con la base atenuada y el apice obtuso, de redondeado a. Euphorbia peplus, Lechetrezna. Planta anual glabra con entre y tallos erectos, a veces procumbentes o postrados, de hasta cm provistos de latex, con 2. The milkweed referred to in this article is euphorbia peplus, which also refers to as milkweed.
E. peplus is also known as petty spurge, radium weed.
Tambien se llama: Lechecina, lechera, lecheriega. Familia: Familia del euforbio – Euphorbiaceae. Forma de crecimiento :..
Euphorbia peplus - ficha informativa - Conabio
Radium Weed Botanical Name: Euphorbia peplus Radium weed is also known as petty spurge, milkweed and cancer weed. It is a small annual garden weed. Euphorbia peplus, a dicot, is an annual herb that is not native to California.
it was introduced from elsewhere and naturalized in the wild.
Euphorbia peplus L.: FloraBase: Flora of Western Australia
Naturalised Status: Alien to Western Australia Name Status: Current. Browse to the list of specimens for Euphorbia peplus L. Photo of Euphorbia peplus L. Euphorbia peplus Information Sheet. Radium wee Euphorbia peplus, Petty Spurge, milkwee cancer wee I have been using the sap, as the need arose, for well over years and have found it a. Euphorbia peplus. Petty Spurge.
Erect, hairless, yellow-green plant with milky sap. Stem hairless, 4–in. tall. Leaves with short petioles, smaller at top. Jan 20BACKGROUND: The sap from Euphorbia peplus, commonly known as petty spurge in the U.K. or radium weed in Australia, has been used as a.
Synonyms. Classification. Related Links. Euphorbia peplus L. Show All Show Tabs petty spurge. Image of Euphorbia peplus.
Petty spurge (Euphorbia peplus) is a very widespread introduced species that has been present in Australia since shortly after settlement. It is a common weed. Noun, 1. Euphorbia peplus - an Old World spurge introduced as a weed in the eastern United States. devil.s milk, petty spurge. Euphorbia, genus Euphorbia. La Laguna.
Tenerife. E.peplus es una especie de amplia distribucion, probablemente nativa en las islas. Se trata de una planta de hasta cm, anual, que se.
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