Familia: Plumbaginaceae
174. Plumbaginaceae. 1. Caracteristicas. Porte: arbustos apoyantes o plantas herbaceas, anuales o perennes. Hojas: simples, enteras, lobuladas o pinnatifidas.
The Plumbaginaceae are a small group of caryophyllid flowering plants, and are While there are less than 5species of Plumbaginaceae in the world today. Plumbaginaceae Jussieu. Leadwort Family. Nancy R. Morin. Herbs or shrubs , perennial or, rarely, annual. taprooted or rhizomatous.
Stems woody. Plumbaginaceae. Anuales o perennes, herbaceas o arbustivas, a veces trepadoras.Hojas en roseta basal o caulinares alternas, simples, sin estipulas, a veces. Plumbaginaceae.
PLUMBAGINACEAE Juss. Habito: mayormente hierbas perennes y arbustos, autoportantes o trepadoras. Estipulas: ausentes. Hojas: alternas.
Hierbas perennes o subarbustos, raramente. Plumbaginaceae Juss. Including Aegialitidaceae Lincz., Armeriaceae Horan., Limoniaceae Lincz., Pentaptychaceae Dulac, Staticinae (Staticaceae) Hoffmgg. Solo existe un genero silvestre de la familia de la armeria (Armeria) en Finlandia, representado la misma armeria, pero hay muchas subespecies. Por supuesto..
Plumbaginaceae. La famila de las Plumbaginaceae comprende alguna centena de especies tipicas de las regiones aridas o de sustratos con elevada. The Plumbaginaceae are split into two very distinct sub -families: Plumbaginoideae, which includes Plumbago, and Staticoideae, which includes Limonium. Economically, Plumbaginaceae (leadwort family) is important mainly for its many garden ornamentals. Among these are a number of species of Armeria that go.
PLUMBAGINACEAE - The Leadwort Family. This is a family of about 5species in genera found all over the world. They are annual or perennial herbs. Plumbaginaceae.
The family Plumbaginaceae is in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants). Statistics are at the bottom of the page.
CORE EUDICOTILEDONEAS. 52. .4. Plumbaginaceae. .4.a. Molecular evidence for the compilospecies model of reticulate evolution in Armeria (Plumbaginaceae).
Fuertes Aguilar J(1), Rossello JA, Nieto Feliner G..
Neotropical Plumbaginaceae - Neotropikey from Kew
Noun, 1. Plumbaginaceae - perennial herbs and shrubs and lianas. cosmopolitan especially in saltwater areas. family Plumbaginaceae, leadwort family. Osmoprotective compounds in the Plumbaginaceae: A natural experiment in metabolic engineering of stress tolerance. (betaines/choline 0-sulfate/compatible.
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