Pollia condensata

A Berry So Shiny, It;s Irresistible (And Inedible): NPR

Birds are drawn to the blue berries of the tropical Pollia condensata plant. scientists are just as intrigued with the small shiny fruits. A recent. Pollia condensata produces its striking deep blue color with a mechanism virtually unknown in plants. We present a striking example of multilayer-based strong iridescent coloration in plants, in the fruit of Pollia condensata.

The color is caused by. They belong to a plant called Pollia condensata, a tropical metre-tall herb that sprouts its shiny berry-like fruits in clusters up to 40-strong. These. Sin embargo la baya africana (Pollia condensata) no solo tiene un brillante color azul metalico sino que ademas consigue el mismo en.

The cells of an African fruit called Pollia condensata have walls made of tightly coiled cellulose strands that are excellent for reflecting light. Y sin embargo aqui teneis a esta preciosa baya africana llamada Pollia condensata. No solo tiene un brillante color azul metalico sino que.

The Marble Berry - Pollia condensata is a true jewel of the forest and a marvel of the natural world. Its defining feature are its incredibly shiny berries. Native to.. London, England: Bompas Parr has combined the planet.s shiniest biological material, the Pollia condensata or marble berry, with sterling silver to create a. By Emily Underwood Don.t let the iridescent blue of this tiny African fruit fool you: It.s neither tasty nor nourishing and contains no pigments to.

An African fruit is giving diamonds a run for their money. Tiny glittering berries belonging to the plant Pollia condensata. Iridescent blue and metallic, it literally outshines any other plant or animal substance in the world.

The plant itself is called Pollia condensata. Deep in the Ghana forest, there.s a plant that grows the shiniest fruit in the world. The brilliant blue fruits come from Pollia condensata and are.

Biologists have discovered that the Pollia condensata fruit does not get its blue color from pigment but instead uses structural color – a method.

Pollia condensata: B and T World Seeds. database output..

Pollia Condensata Fruit Produces Rainbow Colors, Is Shiniest

Find and follow posts tagged pollia condensata on Tumblr. The .brightest. thing in nature, the Pollia condensata fruit, does not get its blue colour from pigment but instead uses structural colour – a.


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