Glottiphyllum linguiforme
Glottiphyllum - , the free encyclopedia
This article has been translated from the article Glottiphyllum in the French , and requires Glottiphyllum herrei. Glottiphyllum linguiforme (L.) NEBr. Nombre botanico: Glottiphyllum linguiforme.
Otros nombres: Mesembryanthemum linguiforme - Glottiphyllum cilliersiae. Nombre comun:. Glottiphyllum linguiforme grows on clayey to sandy soil with some quartzite pebbles, under bushes.
100-2mm rainfall p.a. mainly in March and November. Thumbnail #of Glottiphyllum linguiforme by RWhiz. Thumbnail #of Glottiphyllum linguiforme by RWhiz. Thumbnail #of Glottiphyllum linguiforme by.
Glottiphyllum salmii WPC.jpg Glottiphyllum es un genero con especies de plantas suculentas La especie tipo es: Glottiphyllum linguiforme (L.) NEBr.
Glottiphyllum linguiforme. Scientific Name: Glottiphyllum linguiforme (L.) N. E. Brown Synonym:. Glottiphyllum regium is a hardy, clump-forming succulent that produces Another species, Glottiphyllum linguiforme, contains a small amount of oxalic acid..
November 20Plant Highlight: Glottiphyllum linguiforme Glottiphyllum is a genus in the Ice Plant Family (Aizoaceae), with all the species coming from the. Glottiphyllum linguiforme. The bright yellow flowers look like dandelions. Glottiphyllum parvifolium.s reach inches across. Grow in a well-draine low- fertility.
Glottiphyllum Glottiphyllum linguiforme Nombre cientifico: Glottiphyllum linguiforme. Sinonimos: Hay Glottiphyllum linguiforme en las colecciones:. Glottiphyllum linguiforme.
Buscar en Google sobre Glottiphyllum linguiformear. Dec 20DescriptionGlottiphyllum linguiforme 3.jpg. English: Photo of Glottiphyllum linguiforme at the San Francisco Botanical Garden.
Date, June 2005.
Glottiphyllum latum. Glottiphyllum linguiforme (L.) N.E.Br. Carpetweed Mesembryanthemaceae..
Glottiphyllum linguiforme -
Naming. Glottiphyllum linguiforme was already described and the name validly published by Carl Linnaeus. It was Nicholas Edward Brown, however, who. This mat-forming succulent of the Little Karoo around Oudtshoorn has tongue- shaped leaves, as the species name linguiforme (Latin) indicates.
The Greek word.
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