Alternanthera pungens
Starr 011104-00Alternanthera pungens.jpg Alternanthera es un genero de plantas herbaceas perteneciente a la familia Amaranthaceae. Es un genero. Nombre cientifico: Alternanthera pungens H.B.K. = A. repens (L.) Link Origen del nombre cientifico: Alternanthera porque el conjunto de estambres y pseudo.
Impacts. Khaki weed (Alternanthera pungens) is mainly regarded as a weed of lawns, pastures and disturbed sites near habitation. However, this species is also. General. Synonyms. Classification.
Legal Status. Related Links. Alternanthera pungens Kunth Show All Show Tabs khakiweed. Prostrate herb with perennial root system and annual above ground growth. Taproot often large and woody.
Stems shortly silky hairy. Leaves ovate to circular.
Alternanthera pungens. Photo: Bart Wursten Second Street, Mutare. ..
Alternanthera pungens -
Alien to Western Australia Name Status: Current. Browse to the list of specimens for Alternanthera pungens Kunth Photo of Alternanthera pungens Kunth. Amaranthaceae - Alternanthera pungens Kunth.
Family: Amaranthaceae. Species: Alternanthera pungens Kunth. Eppo_code: ALRRE. Family: Amaranthaceae.
Alternanthera pungens Kunth - prota4u
Citation in books. There are 2book citations related to Alternanthera pungens Kunth. Click on show more to view them.
Information on Khakiwee scientifically known as Alternanthera pungens in the Encyclopedia of Life. La yerba del pollo. (Auermnthera pungens H.B.K., Amaranthaceae) es Alternanthera pungens (Amaranthaceae) commonly known as yerba del pollo, is. Alternanthera pungens Kunth in H.B.K., Nov. Gen.
Sp. 2: 206. 1817. Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vase. Pl. W. Pakistan: 229. 1972. Alternanthera pungens. Illustration. Alternanthera pungens (Amaranthaceae) commonly known as yerba del pollo, is widely used as a folk medicine.
Oleanolic acid was isolated.
Alternanthera pungens. Image of Khaki weed. (Khaki Weed). FAMILY. Amaranthaceae. Species. Alternanthera pungens. Common name(s). Khaki Weed.
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