
Descripcion: Seguiendo el criterio de Flora Iberica y de otras obras consideramos una sola Familia LEGUMINOSAE dividida en tres subfamilias. La Subfamilia. Caracteristicas: plantas herbaceas, trepadoras, arboreas o arbustivas, anuales o perennes. Hojas muy variadas, simples o compuestas. estas ultimas trifoliadas.

Leguminosae. leguminosas. Las leguminosas son una famila de arboles, arbustos, sufrutices o hierbas anuales o perennes, espinosos o inermes. con. The Leguminosae is one of the largest families of flowering plants with 1000 species classified into around 6genera (Polhill Raven, 1981). This is just.

Familia Fabaceae o Leguminosae. La familia Fabaceae es considerada claramente monofiletica en analisis tanto moleculares como morfologicos, sin embargo.

Flora del bajio y de regiones adyacentes fasciculo 1noviembre de 2007 familia leguminosae*,**. Arboles, arbustos o plantas herbaceas, a veces trepadores. ..

Leguminosae (Fabaceae) - Universidad Publica de Navarra

Leguminosae. The family Leguminosae is in the major group Angiosperms ( Flowering plants). Statistics are at the bottom of the page.

The characteristics of this family, now separated into Caesalpiniaceae, Fabaceae , Mimosacae and Papilionaceae.

Neotropical Leguminosae (Papilionoideae) - Neotropikey from Kew

Leguminosae or Fabaceae? What is the correct name for the family? (Lewis
Schrire, 200 2005). Having established that the legumes are one family there.

Description of Leguminosae Adanson, generated from a DELTA database. The Leguminosae is particularly diverse, however, in tropical forests with a seasonally dry aspect and temperate shrublands tailored by xeric climates. Legumes. (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) en el estado de Guerrero, Mexico.

The genus Ormosia Jacks. (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) in the State of Guerrero, Mexico. Noun, 1. Leguminosae - a large family of trees, shrubs, vines, and herbs bearing bean Leguminosae - a large family of trees, shrubs, vines, and herbs bearing.

Taxonomia y sistematica. El genero Deguelia (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Millettieae) en Mesoamerica, una especie nueva y una combinacion nueva. Leguminosae.

Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary has an article on: Leguminosae. species has information on: Leguminosae. Organics for All information on the Leguminosae vegetable family including peanut, chickpea, bean (hyacinth, runner, lima, common, fava, adzuki, mung, and. Am J Bot. 20Nov.91(11):1846-62. doi: 1732/ajb.9846.

A phylogeny of legumes (Leguminosae) based on analysis of the plastid matK gene resolves.


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